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Breast Reduction - Cosmetic Surgery Preston

Women affected with very large and heavy breasts may benefit enormously from having their breasts reduced. Many women approach with problems of neck pain, upper back pain, excessive sweating under the breasts and mechanical difficulties in their ability to do physical exercises or even swimming due to the heaviness of the breasts. For some this may be due to a significant disproportion in their upper body due to the largeness of the breasts. Such women would benefit from having their breasts reduced appropriately. The additional benefit from this surgery is the droopiness of the breasts can be improved with the nipple sited at the summit of the breast rather than at the lower part of the breast. During the detailed consultation the surgeon would get to understand your problems, other medical illnesses, hobbies and lifestyle before guiding you through the procedure. You will be asked about an indicative cup size that you would prefer to have after the surgery. However this is difficult to confirm as the surgeon has to retain a certain amount of breast tissue to bring the blood supply to the nipple after the surgery. By and large most women following this surgery would achieve a ‘C’, ‘D’ or ‘DD’ cup size depending on their preferences and body stature. If the skin quality is very good to start with, it is likely that the woman may be left with a much more youthful and firmer breast after the breast reduction. If additional lifestyle habits like smoking, excessive sun exposure or weight loss have led to loss of elasticity of your skin, achieving a firm appearance following breast reduction surgery may not be possible. In such instances the woman would be advised to consider having a breast reduction / breast uplift procedure along with a breast implant to gain the firmness. The scars from this surgery are usually placed around the nipple areolar one vertical line going towards the under surface of the breast and another horizontal line along the curve of the breast. All these scars can be well hidden within the bra cups. The extent of the scars will be decided based on the amount of skin and the breast tissue that needs removing. Women will be advised to wear a non-underwired supportive bra for 4-6 weeks after surgery as most of the scars are placed on the under surface of the breast. They should also be aware that occasionally their sensation in the nipple areolar may be disturbed – partly being numb or can be hypersensitive. Many women feel that in addition to regaining the proportions of their body, they feel much more energetic, motivated to pursue an active lifestyle following this procedure. With some simple lifestyle adjustment like reducing the smoking or stopping it for a few weeks before surgery, potential complications like delayed wound healing could also be reduced. Your surgeon will guide you through the appropriate measures to achieve a better outcome from the surgery.